About ORIENTELEC company
What ORIENTELEC does Orient Electric Limited
What company does?Manufactures and markets consumer electrical products
Entity typePrivate
Orient Electric Limited is a share market listed company in the Consumer Durables industry . It got listed on NSE on 14-MAY-2018 under the trading symbol ORIENTELEC. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol ORIENTELEC. The company operates in Home Appliances , Electrical Equipment and Consumer Electronics categories. Check orientelec stock details.

About Orient Electric Limited

Orient Electric Limited is a part of the diversified CK Birla Group, which has been serving consumers with cutting-edge electrical solutions for over six decades. The company offers a wide range of consumer electrical products including fans, lighting, home appliances, and switchgears.

Orient Electric is known for its innovative approach towards product development and design. The company's commitment to quality and innovation has led to the creation of technologically advanced products that cater to the evolving needs of customers.

The brand’s portfolio includes energy-efficient fans equipped with features such as IoT connectivity and remote operation. Additionally, Orient Electric also provides an array of LED lighting solutions designed to enhance aesthetics while ensuring energy efficiency. In terms of standing out from competitors, Orient Electric focuses on providing superior customer service along with high-quality products at competitive prices. This dedication to customer satisfaction has enabled them to build a strong reputation in the market. Furthermore, through strategic collaborations and partnerships with global technology leaders, Orient Electric continues to integrate innovative technologies into their offerings in order to provide state-of-the-art solutions for consumers. Overall, Orient Electric Limited stands out due to its relentless pursuit of technological advancement and unwavering commitment towards enhancing consumer experiences in the electrical appliances industry.
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