Participant (FII, DII, Retail, Pro) Wise Market Activity

Check out the what the FII, DII, Pro and Retail clients are doing in the Futures and Options market. Participant wise market activity report is useful to get an overview of the FII, DII and individuals' activity in the derivative segment. Data is showing in Open Interest in number of contracts and up down from the previous day OI.

* As on 2024-04-26 20:42:46


Future Long Future Short Call Long Call Short Put Long Put Short
Client 390292 +150214 239336 +69905 5834939 +3484330 6228722 +3528233 4395432 +1589038 5532679 +2304476
DII 63364 +25367 102432 +51213 696 +596 0 0 157746 +85605 0 0
FII 116391 +22558 215468 +68113 1318039 +639332 935063 +512849 1737493 +835571 1075326 +520840
Pro 51426 +10618 64237 +19526 2061386 +928156 2051275 +1011332 2164347 +875566 1847013 +560464


Future Long Future Short Call Long Call Short Put Long Put Short
Client 2289175 +408295 234236 +33523 970550 +337478 641143 +209588 382833 +104264 617065 +179306
DII 104510 +18517 2879429 +507536 134 -133 21358 0 0 0 0 0
FII 1976109 +244625 1633779 +224880 33531 +25914 47125 +31465 53497 +37040 36343 +21935
Pro 598324 +131558 220674 +37056 349541 +131022 644130 +231870 500182 +161143 283104 +101206

Clients: Retail individual investors are referred to as clients. Clients are account holders with various brokerage companies that trade in the derivatives market in futures and options.

DII: DIIs are domestic institutional investors. DIIs primarily trade in this market for hedging and speculative purposes. Mutual Fund Houses, Pension Funds, Banks, and Insurance Companies are some of the most prevalent DIIs on the market.

FII: Foreign Institutional Investors are international investors from different nations that want to invest in the Indian market. FIIs are the most essential participants, and they play a critical role in defining market direction and volatility. FIIs influence market trends and are accountable for the market's and economy's liquidity and sustainability.

Pro: Pro are individual proprietor and brokerage businesses who trade on their own behalf.

FII activity in the cash market segment should not be seen as a trading indication because they primarily invest for the long term. This information should be used as a supplement to developing a market position. Their futures and options activity should be followed for short-term trading.

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