About SHREECEM company
What company does?Cement manufacturing and distribution
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
SHREE CEMENT LIMITED is a share market listed company in the Cement & Cement Products industry . It got listed on NSE on 26-APR-1995 under the trading symbol SHREECEM. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol SHREECEM. The company operates in Cement , Construction materials and Building Supplies categories. Check shreecem stock details.


Shree Cement Limited is a leading cement manufacturer in India, headquartered in Kolkata. The company was founded in 1979 by Bangur family and has since grown to become one of the largest cement producers in the country.

Shree Cement produces and sells various types of cement including Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), and Ready Mix Concrete (RMC). Its products are used for a wide range of construction projects such as residential buildings, commercial complexes, roads, bridges, and dams.

The company has been at the forefront of technological innovation in the cement industry. Shree Cement has adopted advanced manufacturing processes that focus on energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. It operates state-of-the-art plants with modern equipment designed to minimize emissions and conserve resources. One key factor that sets Shree Cement apart from its competitors is its strong emphasis on research and development. The company invests significantly in R&D activities aimed at improving product quality, developing new formulations, and enhancing production techniques. This commitment to innovation has helped it maintain a competitive edge in the market. In terms of collaborations or partnerships, Shree Cement has formed strategic alliances with global technology providers to incorporate cutting-edge solutions into its operations. These collaborations have enabled the company to access advanced technologies related to sustainable manufacturing practices and efficient resource utilization. As a result of its dedication to excellence, technological advancement, and sustainable business practices, Shree Cement continues to be recognized as an industry leader not only within India but also on the global stage.
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