About SCHAND company
What SCHAND does S Chand And Company Limited
What company does?Educational content and digital solutions provider
Entity typePrivate
SegmentB2B, B2C
S Chand And Company Limited is a share market listed company in the Media- Entertainment & Publication industry . It got listed on NSE on 09-MAY-2017 under the trading symbol SCHAND. On BSE it is listed under trading symbol SCHAND. The company operates in Education , Publishing and Books categories. Check schand stock details.

About S Chand And Company Limited

S Chand And Company Limited is a leading Indian education content company that provides a wide range of educational products and services. The company offers high-quality textbooks, digital solutions, and interactive learning materials for students across all levels, from K-12 to higher education.

With over 80 years of experience in the education industry, S Chand has established itself as an innovative and reliable provider of educational resources. The company's diverse product portfolio includes books on various subjects such as science, mathematics, social sciences, English language & literature, commerce, and humanities.

S Chand also offers digital learning solutions through its platform "Learnflix," which provides interactive video lessons designed to enhance students' understanding of complex topics. This innovative technology allows for personalized learning experiences tailored to each student's pace and style.

One factor that sets S Chand apart from its competitors is its commitment to incorporating cutting-edge technologies into their educational offerings. By leveraging digital platforms and multimedia tools, the company aims to make learning more engaging and effective for students. In addition to creating quality educational content independently, S Chand has also formed partnerships with renowned international publishers like Cambridge University Press (CUP) and National Geographic Learning. These collaborations have enabled the company to expand its product range while maintaining high standards of academic excellence. Overall, S Chand And Company Limited stands out due to its extensive experience in the field of education publishing, coupled with a dedication to innovation and collaboration. Their focus on delivering comprehensive yet accessible learning materials reinforces their position as a leader in India's educational content market.
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